Learn about the COMPOSTING that suits you!
Bring along all of your composting and worm farming questions. In this free online session, we’ll cover the basics of composting and worm farming, answer all your questions, and troubleshoot any compost problems you might have. We want to bust common composting myths and make it as easy for you to compost as possible. Please bring along your questions and curiosity!
Fiona Veikkanen (below) is a passionate local food advocate, grower and compost creator, she is also the Director of Canberra Environment Centre. She has created copious quantities of compost for over 10 years including in a rental, while travelling, with kids, in a community garden and for a restaurant. Fiona is interested in composting and growing her own food without having to spend a bomb on a fancy set up and she’s looking forward to showing you!
This is an online event conducted over Zoom.
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84827787063
Meeting ID: 848 2778 7063
Passcode: 787891