The Hungry Composter is ready to eat your food scraps!
The Hungry Composter has arrived! And to celebrate we're launching with a morning tea where you can all meet the composter.
The Hon. Shane Rattenbury, Minister for Climate Change and the Environment will be attending to officially launch OSCA.
The Hungry Composter is called OSCA (On-Site Composting Apparatus), and is a medium-scale solar-powered composting machine. The Hungry Composter Project has been made possible by the generous support of the ACT Government through their Actsmart Community Zero Emissions Grants Program.
We'll also be launching the CompostHub, which is the composting education program attached to the Hungry Composter.
Morning program:
10:05: Welcome by Ryan Lungu, Canberra Environment Centre Director
10:15: Official launch by the Hon. Shane Rattenbury
10:25: Hungry Composter tour + CompostHub talk by Karina Bontes Forward, Acton Community Garden Coordinator
10:45: Questions + mingle
11:00: Event close
Morning tea will be provided. We look forward to seeing you all there!