There are hundreds of cleaning and beauty products out there for every cleaning job and body part. Many products contain ingredients that are harmful to human health and the environment and are packaged in containers that often end up in landfill. Yet making your own zero waste products is easy, non-toxic, inexpensive and doesn’t contribute to the 650kg of rubbish that the average Australian produces every year. In this hands-on workshop Waste Free Me’s Bianca Jurd will show you how to make 3 common household products: One for your body, one for the kitchen and one for sanitising all household surfaces using non-toxic and easy to source ingredients, many of which are commonly found in your kitchen. Bianca will also talk the quick and easy hacks to drastically reduce your household rubbish, about buying ingredients in bulk (and how to re-use the packaging it comes in or avoid packaging altogether), the benefits of using each ingredient and incorporating the Zero Waste challenge into a busy lifestyle. For this workshop please bring 3 glass jars of varying sizes:
1 small jar, approx. 100-200ml for a deodorant
2 medium-large jars, approx. 300-500ml for dishwashing powder/tablets and an all-purpose cleaning spray.
You can also bring an old spray bottle (cleaned) to take your cleaning spray home in.
Price includes all ingredients. Please bring your own jars
Refund Policy: Tickets are non-refundable and cannot be transferred to other workshops.