Season 3, Episode 8. Sam Vincent Talks Regenerative Farming

Sam Vincent Talks Regenerative Farming
Fiona Veikkanen, Julie Boulton

Sam, Sophie and Fiona at Gollion. Photo: Julie Boulton

Sam Vincent is a regenerative farmer and writer, living at Gollion, his family’s property in the Yass Valley, north of Canberra. His most recent (award winning) book, “My Father and other animals. How I Took on the Family Farm”, is a must read. 

Julie and Fiona managed to sneak in a quick visit to Sam’s farm for this recording. This meant they met the magical fig tree which you will hear Sam speak about so fondly in this episode. 

“One unexpected part of farming that I really love is when I arrive at restaurants with my produce when they're closed and just talking to them about what I've grown. When I open the door and I have these freshly picked figs and I'm talking to a chef or even someone in the kitchen who's just started working there and I can see the excitement, it makes me feel really good. I have actually hosted a lot of the chefs that I sell to here, they really want to see how I grow the food - and I really love that, that kind of connection.”

Sam and Fiona in the new orchard. Photo: Julie Boulton

In the Orchard. Photo: Julie Boulton

Sam with the Magical Black Genoa Fig Tree. Photo: Julie Boulton

Fiona and Sam with cup of tea in hand in the orchard. Photo: Julie Boulton

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