Bulk Food Shopping in Canberra

Granted, bulk food shopping takes a little more planning and prep, but once you build it into your routine it can become an enjoyable outing, much like a trip to the farmers' market.

1. Prepare your jars and containers

Some bulk-food shops have second-hand containers that you can help yourself to, but if you're not sure, it is worth preparing your own. Raid your container cupboard, or post in a community Facebook group to see if any of your neighbours have excess they're happy to pass on to you. Give the containers a thorough wash and let them dry, before popping them in a bag.

Tip: Buy Nothing Facebook groups are prevalent in Canberra, and you can join your suburb's group to gift items you no longer need, or make a request for something you need, such as jars and containers.


2. Find out which bulk food shops are near you

Once you have decided which shop you'd like to visit, it may be worth checking out their website for any specific information that is unique to them.

Here are a few bulk food shops to get you started:

The Food Co-op Shop and Cafe, Civic
The Source Bulk Foods, Dickson, Belconnen
Naked Foods, Braddon, Woden
Scoop Wholefoods, Kingston

3. Schedule in a weekly or fortnightly time dedicated to bulk food shopping.

It could be parcelled in with other errands, or perhaps you pass a bulk food shop on your commute.

4. Meal plan, or take note of the staples

Either plan out what you're going to make and write up a shopping list, or alternatively write a list of all the staples that you regularly use. A lot of items have a long shelf life, so why not stock up on food you know you'll use, and then they'll be conveniently on hand when you need them.

5. Get yourself to a shop and don't be afraid to ask for help

If you're visiting a bulk food shop for the first time, it may feel a little daunting, but you can always ask the staff how to go about it.

6. Find out the weight of your containers

Often there will be weighing stations where you will weigh your containers and write down the weight. In other cases, the staff might do the weighing for you.

7. Fill your containers with bulk food

As you fill your containers, it is worth noting which item you put in them, in case there are a few that look alike. Some bulk food shops may have codes that you can quickly note down, and in other cases it may be noting whether you selected the organic or conventional item.

8. Purchase your items and celebrate your reduction in plastic usage

Celebrate the little wins, and rest easy with the knowledge that your meals aren't contributing to the shocking amount of plastic and packaging that goes into landfill each year.

Canberra Enviro